Day 994: Trump blames Fox News pollster for bad polls: ‘they suck’
As national support for Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office continues to ramp up across both the country and political spectrum, Trump keeps getting angrier and more unhinged.
A Fox News poll showed a majority of Americans in favor of Trump’s removal. On top of that, two-thirds believe it’s inappropriate to ask foreign leaders to investigate political foes.
Trump lashed out Thursday, attacking the Fox News pollster, with an embarrassingly juvenile insult, saying “they suck.”
Trump doesn’t seem to understand that Americans don’t approve of his behavior. That’s not on pollsters, that’s on him. He lives in a bubble where someone — or an imaginary friend — is telling him that only 25% of Americans want him impeached.
But that’s not borne out in any major, scientific poll. Steadily, support for impeachment has risen since Democrats announced they would begin an inquiry.
Seeking to shore up allies, the attorney general, William Barr, who is supposed to be the top lawyer for the U.S., is doing Trump’s bidding. He made a Wednesday night visit to Fox News head Rupert Murdoch’s New York home.
Barr is smart enough to know if the coverage continues in the manner it is now, a desire to see Trump removed will only go up. It seems exceedingly likely that he’s trying to pressure Murdoch to have Fox News continue sycophantic coverage of Trump in an effort to shore up his GOP base.
Meanwhile, the Ukraine scandal continues to be disastrous for Trump, as two of personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s cronies were arrested as part of a campaign finance scheme.
As more news comes out, support for impeachment goes up. That’s not the fault of the media or pollsters. That’s the fault of the rampant corruption that has embroiled numerous members in the Trump administration.
994 days in, 468 to go
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