Day 925: Donald Trump has served up so many whoppers in the last 24 hours, he might as well work at Burger King
He wants the story his way, but the reality is that it ain’t that way.
Lie after lie after lie after lie. Lie to cover previous lies. Lie to cover unpopular realities. Lie to cover anything that could make him in even a slightly bad light. That describes Donald Trump’s typical m.o., but the past 24 hours have seen about him lie about even more big picture things than normal. From Russian interference in the 2020 elections to deadly illnesses to dictators to his own nominees, his lies ran the gamut from Thursday evening to Friday evening.
Upon leaving the White House for a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday, Trump was asked if he was concerned about Russians interfering in the 2020 election considering Robert Mueller’s testimony (among other evidence) that Moscow wants to continue to meddle in American democracy. He chose to mock the reporter who posed the question, as if to say there is no chance that’s a real concern.
In reality, all evidence points to the Russians seeking to interfere in 2020 to an even greater extent than they did in the run up to the 2016 election.
And at said rally he told at least 20 lies, including a bunch of whoppers:
“We’re replacing random migration and we’re replacing the lottery system. How about the lottery system? How about lotteries? This was Chuck Schumer: you put the name in a basket. The country puts the name in the basket. And you pick people out of the lottery. ‘Well, let’s see, this one’s a murderer. This one robbed four banks, this one … I’d better, not say … this one, another murderer, ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.”
In reality, immigrants who enter via the lottery system are subject to intense vetting and background checks.
“…We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions, always.”
In reality, the Trump administration is backing a lawsuit that would do away with all of the Affordable Care Act. That includes the part of the law that protects patients with pre-existing conditions and they have not put forth any bill that would protect those patients in the event the ACA went away.
“We passed VA Choice and VA Accountability on behalf of our great veterans. They’ve been trying to pass VA Choice for four decades. They couldn’t get it done, we got it done, we got it.”
In reality, Barack Obama signed the program into law, as can be seen in the picture below.
Trump didn’t stop there.
In reality, this is a ludicrous statement and obviously false. Many cancers respond to treatments in different ways and don’t follow the same protocol, and to just say there will be a blanket “cur[e]” for all childhood cancers is as ignorant as it is false.
When the calendar rolled over to Friday, Trump was in no mood to stop the absurd lies.
In reality, Kim is a murderous dictator who is no friend to the U.S. or any other democracy. But Trump can’t just admit that Kim has bamboozled him over and over while continuing to build out his arsenal, so Trump actually propped him up again. He praised a man who is subjugating and starving millions of his own people.
In reality, Ratcliffe’s nomination got pulled because he was named by Trump before any vetting could occur. It was quickly revealed that not only is Ratcliffe wildly unqualified for the DNI job, he lied on his resume. Trump has used the lie that the media would continue to slander the nominee as a reason for the withdrawal in other cases too.
Trump is a dangerous liar who millions of people will believe simply because he’s the one saying it, even if he’s saying he’ll cure cancer by the end of the month.
925 days in, 537 to go
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