Day 864: Two Trump tweets, six minutes apart, encapsulate why no one takes him seriously
Being president is a tremendously difficult and monumental job. Everything you do draws scrutiny and judgment, so it’s vitally important to maintain a consistent image.
That’s something that Donald Trump has never bothered doing. Jumping from petty arguments to book endorsements to national security concerns in just seconds, Trump is largely seen as ineffectual both domestically and internationally.
That was apparent yet again Sunday, as itchy fingers tweeted a conspiracy theory and foreign concern just minutes apart.
Democrats are considering bringing impeachment charges based on Trump’s obstructive conduct as outlined in Robert Mueller’s report. It’s really not that complicated. In his tweet, he’s blaming Democrats for…well, that’s really clear. All he wants to do is muddy the waters and make a well-investigated probe seem tainted, despite it reaping an enormous amount of indictments, guilty pleas and verdicts.
Six minutes later, Trump was tweeting about bombing in Syria. The problem is, if people don’t independently research the issue he’s tweeting about, are they supposed to take it seriously, having just read the conspiracy theory he sent out minutes earlier?
More importantly, are foreign nations going to “STOP!” just because he yells it on Twitter? Of course not, because Trump has no buy-in internationally. The jester plays for eyeballs and attention while the leader uses power to benefit their nation and people. Trump has chosen the former, to be a bloviating buffoon trying to dispense wisdom and decrees in 280-character missives.
864 days in, 598 to go
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