Day 840: Trump laughs off shooting immigrants: ‘only in the panhandle’
At a rally in Panama City, Florida on Wednesday night, Donald Trump lamented that more couldn’t be done to stop immigrants crossing the border. Noting that immigrants are entering the country despite border patrol agents doing their jobs well, he posed a rhetorical question, “How do you stop these people?”
“Shoot them!” one attendee shouted, to much laughter.
Trump chuckled along and didn’t condemn the remark recommending murder. Instead, he replied, “Only in the panhandle,” before repeating it for added effect to an audience that fell into hysterics.
Joking about shooting unarmed and non-violent people, including women and children, is pretty crass, even for Trump. Apparently “pro-life” doesn’t extend to all aspects of the GOP platform.
840 days in, 622 to go
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