Day 83: Sean Spicer Breaks Rule No. 1 (and Rule No. 2)
Attempted clarification made things worse.
Press Secretary Sean Spicer has been a source of national scorn since the very first appearance under his current title, where he falsely accused the media of under-reporting Donald Trump’s true inauguration attendance numbers.
Yesterday, he broke rules no. 1 and 2: Never, under any circumstances, compare someone to Adolf Hitler. If you break rule no. 1 and compare someone to Hitler, make sure you’re on historically solid ground.
Somehow, his explanation made things worse.
Forgetting that things such as gas chambers existed and were used to systematically murder millions of innocent people via chemical weapons and terming their location as “Holocaust centers” rises to the level of ignorance and stupidity that it’s hard to imagine Spicer keeping his job for much longer.
While Spicer later apologized for his remarks, he speaks directly on behalf of the president. His words carry immense weight and to whiff on so many issues time and again calls into question what Spicer’s doing in such a prominent role.
The provide for easy headlines, such as the New York Daily News’ headline blaming the White House for the gaffe.
There have been rumblings since his first week that Trump was unhappy with Spicer’s performance. Yesterday’s debacle gives Trump the easy opportunity to cut ties with him now.
83 days in, 1379 to go
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