Day 729: Trump apparently wants to get humiliated by Kim Jong-un again
Donald Trump met North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un for a risky, and ultimately disastrous, summit in Singapore in June 2018.
The get-together saw North Korea get a photo-op for their state-run media— complete with Trump saluting a North Korean general — and the U.S. agreeing to halt war games with South Korea. Kim, in turn, half-promised things that were decades earlier agreed to by the nations. Trump said a denuclearization plan was in place and peace would exist.
After the summit, things were all over the place.
Like when Trump announced that he and Kim had fallen in love. Or when time and time again it was proven that, despite Trump’s earlier promises, North Korea had not denuclearized. It turns out Trump’s gift of an Elton John CD didn’t help.
Now, Trump wants to repeat the embarrassing charade all over again.
The White House announced Friday that a second summit will take place between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in February.
The announcement came after Trump met with Kim Yong Chol, North Korea’s lead negotiator on nuclear talks, for more than 90 minutes in the Oval Office and discussed “denuclearization and a second summit, which will take place near the end of February,” according to press secretary Sarah Sanders.
Trump has apparently not heard one of George W. Bush’s famous Bushisms:
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”
Trump is being fooled again as North Korea is farther from dismantling their nuclear program now than they were before the Singapore summit. And Trump has backed the U.S. into a corner by continuing to claim that real progress is being made despite evidence to the contrary.
729 days in, 733 to go
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