Day 655: Vote for Democrats, Vote for Democracy
The midterm elections are Tuesday and by day’s end voters across the nation will decide between two more years of the same or will issue a democratic indictment on the Republican Party and Donald Trump. On top of the Congressional races, state races — including numerous gubernatorial races — will have far-reaching impact on hundreds of millions of voters.
At the federal level, for nearly two years, Republicans have:
- Tried gutting Americans’ health care;
- Refused the duty to check-and-balance the executive branch by ignoring Trump and his administration’s many, many, many, many, many scandals out of a desire for personal political survival and sheer cowardice, and choosing to blindly follow Trump instead;
- Stood silently by as Trump made racist, xenophobic, sexist and anti-Semetic remarks;
- Gift-wrapped the wealthy donors and corporations more than $2 trillion in tax benefits, while giving everyone else pennies;
- Refused to pass a bill protecting the Robert Mueller probe;
They’re now threatening to gut Social Security and Medicare.
Republicans have been a disaster in power. Led by an incompetent Republican president, Republican-led Congress has abdicated power and ceded more to special interests and their megadonors than ever.
The swamp is getting swampier by the day.
Tuesday, the country can begin to change all of that.
Democrats have a chance to check-and-balance Trump, investigate what should have been investigated in the previous two years, and push progressive bills forward on the national stage. Healthcare and federal benefits will be protected and compromise between the parties will have to occur to prevent total gridlock.
It’s time to see what Democrats can do with a younger and more diverse Congress.
655 days in, 807 to go
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