Day 651: Why does Trump believe every state borders Mexico?
It’s almost comical how often Donald Trump uses the same words to endorse Republicans. Virtually every single proclamation is the same: Trump says the candidate is pro-Second Amendment, great on immigration, loves the military and will do an amazing job.
What’s especially odd, however, is when Trump proclaims that gubernatorial candidates nowhere near Mexico will do amazing work as it relates to the southern border. As governors, there’s virtually nothing they can do on that front and it’s an issue they likely never even think about. Governors aren’t going to divert state money to build a wall or ramp up patrols.
Still, that didn’t stop Trump from issuing one such endorsement on Thursday.
Perhaps Trump is worried that as governor, Jared Polis wouldn’t protect Coloradans from an invasion from Nebraska or Utah, but that seems unlikely. Polis was just as confused by the Trump endorsement.
Trump has made similar statements for candidates in Florida…
…South Carolina…
and Oklahoma.
None of those states border Mexico. Most are multiple states away from Mexico. Most of the candidates have never even uttered a word about Mexico during their campaign.
So either changing the template would be too difficult for Trump or he needs to consult a map of the U.S.
651 days in, 811 to go
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