Day 624: There is no bottom of the barrel for Trump
“This is the worst thing Donald Trump has ever done!”
“How could Trump say that?”
“Who, besides Trump, could show such blatant disrespect?”
Talking heads love to declare a Trump activity or tweet as the worst think he’s ever done or said. After years of Trump in the spotlight, it’s obvious there is no new worst thing he can do since his actions as a whole are in a category of their own.
Take Friday’s tweet for example.
Trump is accusing sexual assault survivors — who yelled at Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) to listen to victims instead of callously ignoring them — of being paid protesters while also throwing out the “paid by Soros” dog-whistle that anti-Semites love to use. On top of that unfounded conspiracy theory, he’s nonsensically mentioning making signs with love in a basement.
Trump has cozied up to white nationalists and foreign dictators; drummed up conspiracy theories to suit his needs; insulted allies, American war heroes, Gold Star families, the LGBTQ community, minorities, immigrants, women, the media and basically anyone who doesn’t have the last name Trump; and he has profited while in office in any way possible while also vacationing at an absurd rate.
Categorizing the worst for Trump is impossible, because it’s all heinous. Friday’s tweet would be the single worst thing said by nearly any presidents in decades. For Trump, it’s just another thing added to an endless list that will certainly continue to grow.
624 days in, 838 to go
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