Day -53: Donald Trump Loses Yet Another Battle With Logic
President-elect Donald Trump may be the dumbest man elected president in our nation’s history. Not an easy feat, by the way.
Does he know how to control the media? Absolutely. Can he spin public relations like nobody else? Definitely. Has he surrounded himself with savvy people that know how to exploit every loophole in the book? Of course.
Outside of that, what evidence is there that the man himself has the slightest bit of usable intelligence?
Take yesterday’s Twitter missive:
Trump thinks a recount is a waste of time and money, but simultaneously believes there to be millions of instances of voter fraud.
Again, the man thinks a recount of votes to ensure legality and transparency is stupid while also believing scores of votes were cast illegally.
Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, this is a man who claims to “speak with [him]self” first on important issues because he “has a very good brain and [he has] said a lot of things.”
Why doesn’t he just assert that he won fair and square and that there was no fraud?
Because he’s a fool who can’t see him own logical fallacy. He wants his cake (the electoral college victory) and to eat it too (that voter fraud cost him the popular vote).
So the court jester makes an argument that unintentionally flies directly in the face of his own statements and best interests.
Trump was ready to make the voter fraud argument in defeat. He doesn’t have the intelligence to realize that making the argument now undercuts his own victory.
-53 days in, 1514 to go