Day -39: “Only” 1,500 Trump Days Remaining
Amazingly, it hasn’t even been a full five weeks since Donald Trump was elected to be the 45th President of the United States. It’s 39 days until Inauguration Day 2017, but our eye is on January 20, 2021. Our national nightmare has 1,500 more days.
Want scary? We’re closer to Inauguration Day 2017 than Election Day 2016.
Let’s recap.
In just 34 days, Donald Trump has:
- Filled his cabinet with unqualified cronies, many of whom have substantial Wall Street ties or who have opposed the very agency they were tapped to lead
- Installed a publisher of racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic material as chief strategist
- Refused to divest his private holdings, opening up hundreds or thousands of potential conflicts of interest
- Stated that the President is incapable of having a conflict of interest and he “could run [his] business perfectly and then run the country perfectly”
- Rebuffed virtually every intelligence agency’s finding that Russia influenced the U.S. election
- Trashed the U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA
- Floated wild conspiracy theories about voter fraud while simultaneously denying the need for recounts because there was no fraud
- Slammed media outlets (and, laughably, Saturday Night Live) for their coverage and portrayal of him
- Further cozied up to Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin directly and indirectly
- Bribed a billion dollar company with millions of dollars in tax credits to keep a mere 700 employees in the U.S.
- Slandered a union head for telling the truth about the number of jobs Trump “saved” from being lost to Mexico
- Broke decades of protocol by opening diplomatic communications with Taiwan, coincidentally where Trump is possibly trying to build a hotel
- Held a “thank you tour” for the various swing states that voted for him — while eschewing the bright red states and blue states — implying he was going to reward the states for their loyalty
- Given wildly varying statements regarding his vision for the future of healthcare, specifically the Affordable Care Act
- Demanded that flag burners lose their citizenship — even though no mechanism exists in U.S. law for a citizen to lose citizenship, and the Supreme Court has again and again reaffirmed flag burning as protected speech under the First Amendment (with Trump favorite Justice Antonin Scalia on the majority side)
- Ranted about antiquated Chinese fiscal policy that is both largely irrelevant and unused today
- Remained more focused on public relations than getting up to speed on the presidency
- Boasted he didn’t need daily intelligence briefings because, “I’m, like, a smart person.”
- Continued to be a giant hypocrite:
Don’t like what’s happening? Call your senator or representative today. That’s why they’re there.
-39 days in, 1500 to go
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