Day 34: Republicans can’t believe activists are voicing their anger for free
Donald Trump and other prominent Republicans have felt a strong backlash on many issues from their constituents since Election Day. Town halls have seen members of Congress sneaking out the back door well before they were scheduled to leave the event.
The choice most-selected by GOP members of Congress is to just avoid town halls entirely. The American citizens — whose taxes pay their salaries and who they were elected to represent — are not worth their time.
Rather than admit they’re seeing real ire, Republicans have slunk to name calling and conspiracy theories.
The Women’s March drew 3 million people nationwide. Congressional phone lines are ringing at unprecedented rates. Town halls are seeing hundreds of people at each event, many of whom are denied access because the rooms are already filled to capacity.
750 people went to see Scott Taylor in Virginia; more than 2,000 to see Jason Chaffetz in Utah; 2,300 to see Darrell Issa in California; 600 to see Justin Amash in Michigan; more than 200 to see Dennis Ross in Florida; more than 100 to see Mike Coffman in Colorado; 300 to see Marsha Blackburn in Tennessee; hundreds to see Tom Reed in New York; 70 to see Jim Sensenbrenner in Wisconsin; 200 to see Steve Womack in Arkansas.
There are many, many more nationwide.
Some citizens are even organizing “empty chair” town halls on behalf of their senators or representatives who are refusing to plan their own.
Town halls are attended by everyone from adolescents to grandparents. They’re happening in liberal areas and conservative areas, in the South and in the Midwest, and before long-tenured members of Congress and more neophyte members of Congress.
Organizing and paying hundreds of protesters in one state seems difficult.
Organizing and paying hundreds of thousands of protesters across state lines seems virtually impossible.
Organizing and paying hundreds of thousands of protesters across state lines without anybody finding a single confirmed case of a protesters being paid is impossible.
34 days in, 1428 to go
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