Day 333: Trump Expecting Exoneration Letter From Mueller Any Day
Despite zero indications that Robert Mueller’s investigation is wrapping up, much less that Donald Trump is going to be cleared any time soon, that hasn’t stopped Trump from privately telling friends that he’s expecting an official, written exoneration any day, according to a CNN report.
There’s no indication from special counsel Robert Mueller or his team that the probe is in its final stages. A tipping point in the showdown could come as soon as this week when Trump’s private lawyers and Mueller meet, sources familiar with the matter told CNN. Trump’s team is hoping to get a clearer sense of Mueller’s next steps in the investigation, an assessment that could either pacify Trump or inflame him.
Until those next signs emerge, Trump is boasting to friends and advisers that he expects Mueller to clear him of wrongdoing in the coming weeks, according to sources familiar with the conversations. The President seems so convinced of his impending exoneration that he is telling associates Mueller will soon write a letter clearing him that Trump can brandish to Washington and the world in a bid to finally emerge from the cloud of suspicion that has loomed over the first chapter of his presidency, the sources said.
Trump’s lawyers don’t believe this. Trump’s friends don’t believe this. Trump’s Republican brethren don’t believe this. Few people besides Trump believe that he is getting an exoneration letter soon, if at all.
Perhaps it’s hubris, perhaps it’s nativity — more likely it’s a combination of the two — but Trump convincing himself that he’s going to walk on all of the allegations is the best possible thing for the country and investigation. Mueller can continue with his probe, rooting out all areas of Russian interference in the 2016 election without worrying about a political maelstrom suddenly shutting him down. Sure, the Fox Newses of the world will continue spinning the story and investigation as they see fit, but if Trump doesn’t want Mueller gone, he isn’t going anywhere.
But Trump’s moods seem to yo-yo by the week, or day, or even hour. And if Trump does decide to try and orchestrate Mueller’s ouster — especially if, for instance, it doesn’t appear Trump will be exonerated — it will likely mean far worse things for Trump, both legally and politically.
For now, let Trump think a proclamation of innocence is forthcoming.
333 days in, 1129 to go
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