Day 326: Trump Confirms NYT Story While Trying to Refute It
On Saturday morning, The New York Times dropped a mammoth of a piece discussing the daily goings-on of Donald Trump. Some of the more noteworthy parts included Trump’s increasingly pessimistic view of the Robert Mueller investigation, his initial belief that he would have virtually limitless powers as president, his ability to guzzle a dozen Diet Cokes a day and his television-watching habits.
Regarding the last item, the Times noted that Trump watches between four and eight hours of television per day. Upon waking up, the television immediately goes on. He watches Fox News for affirmation and CNN for news and will flip over to MSNBC to get a taste of Morning Joe. He goes so far to record cable news shows so that he can watch them later. After meetings adjourn or his guests leave, he’s quick to reach for the remote to get another dose. It’s not uncommon for the television to be running on mute during meetings so he can monitor the headlines. Also noted in the piece was Trump’s particular disdain for CNN’s Don Lemon.
Trump pushed back on that entire narrative this morning.
In his tweet, Trump confirms he hates Lemon, so it doesn’t look like the Times’ story is entirely wrong.
And what was on CNN and MSNBC just before the tweet was sent out?
More often than not, it’s that easy to see through Trump’s lies.
326 days in, 1136 to go
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