Day -31: Does Trump Be Literate?
It seems like forever ago that America was transfixed with Vice President Dan Quayle’s gaffe where he “corrected” a student’s spelling errors. Quayle thought the student misspelled “potato” and encouraged him to add the silent (and non-existent) “e” on the end. In fact, if you said Quayle’s name to the average American, we’d bet the first thing that would be brought up would be tuber-related.
Not too long later, the nation chucked in bemused embarrassment regarding George W. Bush’s numerous grammatical faux pas. With Dubya, however, there was at least the sense that the man knew his own limitations and was in on the joke.
With Donald Trump, there’s no sense of self-satire. It’s quite the opposite, actually.
Let’s put that intelligence to the test, shall we?
Putting the questionable sentence structure of today’s tweet aside, why is the last part of this tweet in quotes? Who is he quoting and why? We’re sure the average middle school student knows better than that.
What about this gem?
Would elementary school students know how to spell “ridiculous,” or do we have to wait until they’re middle schoolers? Since “e” and “i” are separated by four letters on the keyboard, and Trump has tiny little hands, we know that wasn’t a mere typo.
Or how about this from a few days ago?
Now he’s just making up words. The fact that they’re so hilariously ironic is just icing on the cake.
More irony? You got it.
In the last few months alone he has also misspelled the words honor (“honer”), choker (“chocker”), lose (“loose”), lightweight (“leightweight”), shocker (“shoker”) and speeches (“speaches”), just to name a handful.
Trump famously does not read books or even leases for his real estate deals. Samantha Bee hilariously asks whether Trump can read.
You’d think a man that founded a university and bragged about his I.Q. and “very good brain” would know how to spell or have a grasp of basic grammar.
-31 days in, 1492 to go
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