Day 233: Trump Attacks Congressional Republicans
Grumpy at the prospect of being blamed at all for failures of the GOP, Donald Trump sought to distance himself from the rest of the group yesterday.
These tweets follow Trump siding with Democrats over Republicans regarding the length of time to raise the debt ceiling.
As a reminder, when it came to health care, Trump was less than worthless in helping the GOP further their agenda. As opposed to Barack Obama — who pushed the Affordable Care Act, helped craft its language, gave interviews and speeches on the necessity of it and bent legislative ears left and right on it — Trump just promised everyone the GOP plan would be terrific.
Trump continually undercut Republicans’ efforts to pass health care reform, including telling the Senate members that the House’s bill was mean and confusing health and life insurance during an interview. The method of pressuring senators who weren’t on board with the bill just caused those senators to dig their heels in even more and angered their colleagues. The bill polled in the teens for the majority of its consideration because, at the end of the day, it was an awful bill crafted under a cloud of secrecy with no real support from any prominent voices.
Is this a crack in the armor and a sign of things to come for Trump and Congressional Republicans? Unlikely, as they ultimately need each other do get anything done.
But by tweeting as he did yesterday, Trump is trying to avoid taking blame for the many legislative failures that have already occurred. But, unfortunately for him, history will not forget his own numerous missteps towards trying to accomplish his objectives.
233 days in, 1229 to go
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