Day 200: Sorry, John Kelly Can’t Stop the Donald Trump Runaway Twitter Train
The new Chief of Staff had been praised for his early work reining in Trump.
Many pundits thought with former Gen. John Kelly replacing Reince Priebus as Donald Trump’s new Chief of Staff, Trump would become steadier. Saner, even.
First, they claimed, the tweets would slow down.
The proof was in the pudding. Over the past week, save a stray delusional tweet or two, Trump had largely limited himself to praising himself or retweeting others who did the same.
Until this morning.
The second most impressive thing about these tweets is that he learned to thread a few of them correctly. The most impressive thing is that his final tweet is worded so poorly that Trump seems to admit Russian collusion.
But the most insulting thing about them — with apologies to the personal attacks on Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) that Trump wildly overstates — is that Trump only cares about his base. Perhaps he forgets that the “TUS” in “POTUS” stands for “the United States.” It sounds like he wants to stand for “MB” as in “my base,” though POMB doesn’t quite have the same ring.
The fact is, his base is shrinking. His approval rating is dwindling. GOP elected officials are easing away. He’s done close to nothing in 200 days, other than relentlessly fire off missives that do nothing to make himself feel better.
To the extent it wasn’t clear before: It doesn’t matter who assumes the Chief of Staff role, Trump just can’t help himself with regard to many things, including his Twitter habit. Through 25, 50, 100 and now 200 days, Trump’s actions have not changed. Perhaps the next time a shake-up happens in the White House, the pundits would be wise to remember that and wait a while before they tout Trump’s reformation.
200 days in, 1262 to go
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