Day 151: Trump Continues Disgraceful Pattern of Silence After Violence Against Muslims
Response — or lack thereof — to similar London attacks just weeks apart underscores stark differences in how Trump responds to terrorism.
Early this morning, in London, a van plowed over a dozen or more Muslims returning from prayers at a mosque. The driver apparently yelled, “I want to kill more Muslims.”
This is the definition of terrorism.
Just over two weeks ago, a similar attack took place, also in London. But that assault was Muslim men ramming a van into non-Muslims, followed by stabbing attacks by the van’s occupants.
This, too, is the definition of terrorism.
As for the previous attack, within an hour, Trump was retweeting unconfirmed reports and decrying the U.S. courts for blocking his Muslim ban.
However, as for the attack this morning, Trump has still yet to offer any words on the subject, over 12 hours afterwards.
This follows a nasty pattern for Trump, who said nothing after an attack on Muslims in Quebec that left six dead and 19 injured when a far-right, white nationalist who professed anti-Muslim and pro-Donald Trump rhetoric opened fire.
The same is true regarding a stabbing that left two Good Samaritans dead and another badly injured after stepping into to protect a young Muslim girl being harassed by a white man in Portland.
These tacit acceptances of violence on Muslims are beyond unbecoming. They undermine the fabric of an inclusive democracy, as well as standing proudly with our allies. Hate groups, including ISIS, use attacks like the one today and the rhetoric — or lack thereof — by people in power in various propaganda to recruit new members.
Donald Trump also uses violence by others as a type of propaganda. It’s his method of pushing a different kind of agenda as a scare tactic and rallying his base for political gain. When actions occur that oppose that narrative, he’s shamefully silent.
151 days in, 1311 to go
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