Day 104: GOP Act Like Schoolchildren While Trying to Obliterate Healthcare
Republicans in the House have passed amendments on the American Health Care Act (casually known as Trumpcare) back and forth like elementary school kids pass notes.
The missives are secretive, and instead of “Do you like me? Yes ___ No ___ Maybe___”, the notes read, “How many people can we allow insurers to deny for having preexisting conditions? Some ___ Many ___ All ___” or “How high will premiums go up? Bigly ___ Double Bigly ___ Triple Bigly ___”.
Some Republicans are actually acknowledging that coverage for preexisting conditions are totally gutted, giving them pause.
But, like little schoolchildren, some GOPers are literally saying nunya when asking how they intend to vote.
A few were called to Principal Trump’s office, scolded, and threatened with a note to their parents if they refused to check the right box.
The House GOP is treating healthcare like it’s a game, desperate to repeal and replace a fairly popular law for something that is polling in the teens simply because they have tirelessly yelled that they would.
Like children, the ones that that are trying to do this must be scolded. Republicans voting for a bill that will cost millions of Americans their healthcare — literally resulting in deaths — and millions more an untold amount of money deserve to be punished by getting trounced in reelection bids in 2018.
104 days in, 1358 to go
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