Day 1,077: Trump panics after being asked about New Year’s resolution: ‘it’s a secret’
Donald Trump appears to have mixed up birthday wish superstitions and New Year’s resolutions. The former is a generally a fun desire, while the latter involves accomplishing goals or improving a facet of oneself. People frequently discuss resolutions to keep themselves accountable or to work with others to complete them.
Trump was asked about his resolutions. After hearing his wife declare her was world peace, he stuttered into a bizarre word salad.
“Peace is right, but I’m — I’m not sure you’re supposed to say resolution out loud. Okay, so we don’t want to —I don’t want to say what my resolution is, because, I think we’d jinx it, all right? But I can tell you, we have a good res — we really have a good resolution. And it’s a resolution for our country. We love our country.”
Then he rambled about employment numbers, the military and taxes, for some reason.
The exchange was similar to his infamous 2016 conversation where he refused to reveal his favorite Bible passage after light questioning — despite claiming it’s his favorite book — because it’s “very personal.” He also claimed he found the Old Testament and New Testament “probably equal” in preference.
Trump rambles about whatever that can get him through questions he doesn’t understand, even if they are laughably elementary. When he’s especially stuck, he falls into a pattern of saying something is secret or will be revealed at a later date, even though it rarely is. For Trump this week, that meant pretending he wasn’t allowed to say a New Year’s resolution aloud.
1,077 days in, 385 to go
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